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Do you know you can always contact the Binace Oracle team for assistance if you come across any issues using our service. Please feel free to drop us a note if you are interested.


For testing on the BSC testnet, you can go to the faucet and get some tBNB.


To connect to Binance Oracle VRF, you need to prepare your smart contract to use the VRF. This involves importing the Binance VRF library contracts (provided below) and calling the requestRandomWords function with the required parameters. You also need to set up a callback function to handle the return value from the VRF. Once you have received the random number from the VRF, you can use it in your dApp.

BSC Mainnet

EnvironmentBSC Mainnet
VRF Coordinator Contract Address0x9632ADE542f12114f5E5AD4d6F8e47fB993955da
SPACE IDvrf.boracle.bnb
(The hash of our VRF public key)
VRFConsumerBase.solVRFConsumerBase.sol(abstract contract)
VRFCoordinatorInterface.solVRFCoordinatorInterface.sol (interface contract)

BSC Testnet

EnvironmentBSC Testnet
VRF Coordinator Contract Address0xa2d23627bC0314f4Cbd08Ff54EcB89bb45685053
SPACE IDvrf.boracle.bnb
(The hash of our VRF public key)
VRFConsumerBase.solVRFConsumerBase.sol(abstract contract)
VRFCoordinatorInterface.solVRFCoordinatorInterface.sol (interface contract)

opBnb Mainnet

EnvironmentopBnb Mainnet
VRF Coordinator Contract Address0x4E0C997c986539708aB8903a31447f7456dde212
(The hash of our VRF public key)
VRFConsumerBase.solVRFConsumerBase.sol(abstract contract)
VRFCoordinatorInterface.solVRFCoordinatorInterface.sol (interface contract)

opBnb Testnet

EnvironmentopBnb Testnet
VRF Coordinator Contract Address0x2B30C31a17Fe8b5dd397EF66FaFa503760D4eaF0
(The hash of our VRF public key)
VRFConsumerBase.solVRFConsumerBase.sol(abstract contract)
VRFCoordinatorInterface.solVRFCoordinatorInterface.sol (interface contract)


VRFConsumerBase.sol and VRFCoordinatorInterface.sol are required to develop you own consumer contract.