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Feed Registry API Reference

This guide outlines the functions which can be used with the Feed Registry. You can find the interface contract here.

Peripheral functions

totalPairsAvailableThe total number of pairs available
getAllPairsFetch all the pairs available on the registry as an array
getTradingPairDetailsGet the token addresses and feed adapter address for a pair
existsCheck if a pair exists in the registry

Core Functions

decimalsThe number of decimals in the response.
decimalsByNameThe number of decimals in the response and also resolves the decimals for synthetic pairs
descriptionThe description of the underlying aggregator
descriptionByNameThe description of the underlying aggregator
versionThe version of the underlying aggregator
versionByNameThe version of the underlying aggregator
latestRoundDataGet the data of the latest round
latestRoundDataByNameThe latest round data for a pair
latestRoundGet the latest round ID for a base/quote pair (V2 interface)
latestAnswerThe latest answer of a base/quote pair (V2 interface)
latestAnswerByNameThe latest answer of a base/quote pair and also resolves the answer for synthetic pairs
latestTimestampReturns the last timestamp when the pair was updated on-chain (V2 interface)
getRoundDataGet the round data details on a given round
getAnswerGet the answer for a specific round (V2 interface)
getTimestampGet the updated time timestamp for a specific round (V2 interface)
getFeedGet the current aggregator for this pair
getPhaseFeedThe aggregator address given a phaseId
isFeedEnabledChecks if a given aggregator is currently being used
getPhaseGet the raw starting and the ending round IDs of the given Phase Id
getRoundFeedThe aggregator which executed the given roundId
getPhaseRangeGet the starting and the ending round IDs of the given Phase Id
getPreviousRoundIdReturns the previous round ID of a base/quote pair given a specified round
getNextRoundIdReturns the next round ID of a base/quote pair given a specified round
getCurrentPhaseIdReturns the current phase id of a base/quote pair


Returns the total number of pairs available in the registry.

function totalPairsAvailable() external view returns (uint256);

Return values

  • RETURN: The number of pairs offered


Returns all the pairs available on the registry.

function getAllPairs() external view returns (EnumerableTradingPairMap.Pair[] memory);

Return values

  • RETURN: Array of pairs. Each pair is a struct of two strings, the base and quote tokens.


Returns the token address and feed adapter details for a pair.

function getTradingPairDetails(string calldata base, string calldata quote)
returns (


  • base: The base token represented as a string
  • quote: The quote token represented as a string

Return values

  • base address: The address of the base token
  • quote address: The address of the quote token
  • feed adapter address: The address of the feed adapter for this pair


Check if a given pair exists in the registry.

function exists(string calldata base, string calldata quote) external view returns (bool);


  • base: The base token represented as a string
  • quote: The quote token represented as a string

Return values

  • RETURN: true if exists, false otherwise


Get the number of decimals of the response in fixed point system.

function decimals(address base, address quote) external view returns (uint8);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • RETURN: The number of decimals


Get the number of decimals of the response in fixed point system using string params

function decimalsByName(string memory base, string memory quote) external view returns (uint8);


  • base: The base asset string
  • quote The quote asset string

Return values

  • RETURN: The number of decimals


Get the description of the underlying aggregator

function description(address base, address quote) external view returns (string memory);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • RETURN: The description of the underlying aggregator


Get the description of the underlying aggregator using string params

function descriptionByName(string memory base, string memory quote) external view returns (string memory);


  • base: The base asset string
  • quote The quote asset string

Return values

  • RETURN: The description of the underlying aggregator


Get the version of the underlying aggregator

function version(address base, address quote) external view returns (uint256);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • RETURN: The version of the underlying aggregator


Get the version of the underlying aggregator using string params

function versionByName(string memory base, string memory quote) external view returns (uint256);


  • base: The base asset string
  • quote The quote asset string

Return values

  • RETURN: The version of the underlying aggregator


Get the latest round data details for the pair

function latestRoundData(address base, address quote) 
returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 answeredInRound


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • roundId: The round ID
  • answer: The answer on the round
  • startedAt: The timestamp at which the price was submitted
  • updatedAt: The timestamp at which the price was updated on the chain
  • answeredInRound: The round at which this data was computed


Get the latest round data details for the pair using string params

function latestRoundDataByName(string memory base, string memory quote) 
returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 answeredInRound


  • base: The base asset string
  • quote The quote asset string

Return values

  • roundId: The round ID
  • answer: The answer on the round
  • startedAt: The timestamp at which the price was submitted
  • updatedAt: The timestamp at which the price was updated on the chain
  • answeredInRound: The round at which this data was computed


Get the latest round ID for the pair using AggregatorV2 interface

function latestRound(address base, address quote) external view returns (uint256 roundId);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • roundId: The latest round ID


Get the latest answer for the pair

function latestAnswer(address base, address quote) external view returns (int256);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • RETURN: The latest answer from the underlying aggregator


Get the latest answer from the underlying aggregator using string params

function latestAnswerByName(string memory base, string memory quote) external view returns (int256);


  • base: The base asset string
  • quote The quote asset string

Return values

  • RETURN: The latest answer from the underlying aggregator


Get the timestamp at which the pair has been last updated on the chain

function latestTimestamp(address base, address quote) external view returns (uint256);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • RETURN: The latest timestamp


Get the latest round data details for multiple pairs in a single call

function getMultipleLatestRoundData(string[] memory bases, string[] memory quotes)
returns (RoundData[] memory);


  • bases: The base asset strings
  • quotes The quote asset strings. The length of this array must be equal to the length of the bases array

Return values

  • RETURN: The latest round data details for the pairs


Get the round data details for the pair for a given round ID

function getRoundData(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 _roundId
returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 answeredInRound


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The round ID for which the data is required

Return values

  • roundId: The round ID
  • answer: The answer on the round
  • startedAt: The timestamp at which the price was submitted
  • updatedAt: The timestamp at which the price was updated on the chain
  • answeredInRound: The round at which this data was computed


Get the answer for the pair for a given round ID over AggregatorV2 Interface

function getAnswer(
address base,
address quote,
uint256 roundId
) external view returns (int256 answer);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The round ID for which the data is required

Return values

  • answer: The answer on the round


Get the timestamp for the pair for a given round ID over AggregatorV2 Interface

function getTimestamp(
address base,
address quote,
uint256 roundId
) external view returns (uint256 timestamp);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The round ID for which the timestamp is required

Return values

  • timestamp: The timestamp at which this round was updated


Retrieve the aggregator of an base / quote pair in the current phase

function getFeed(address base, address quote) external view returns (AggregatorV2V3Interface aggregator);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • aggregator: The aggregator currently being used


Retrieve the aggregator of an base / quote pair in a given phase

function getPhaseFeed(
address base,
address quote,
uint16 phaseId
) external view returns (AggregatorV2V3Interface aggregator);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • phaseId: The phaseId

Return values

  • aggregator: The aggregator in the given phase


Check if the aggregator of an base / quote pair is enabled

function isFeedEnabled(address aggregator) external view returns (bool);


  • aggregator: The aggregator address

Return values

  • RETURN: True if the aggregator is currently in use


Get the phase details (starting and ending round IDs) for the given phase ID

function getPhase(
address base,
address quote,
uint16 phaseId
) external view returns (Phase memory phase);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • phaseId: The phaseId

Return values

  • phase: Phase representing the starting and ending round IDs of this phase/ aggregator


Get the aggregator which computed the given roundId

function getRoundFeed(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (AggregatorV2V3Interface aggregator);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The roundId

Return values

  • aggregator: The aggregator which computed the given roundId


Get the phase range(starting, ending rounds) for the given phase

function getPhaseRange(
address base,
address quote,
uint16 phaseId
) external view returns (uint80 startingRound, uint80 endingRound);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • phaseId: The phaseId

Return values

  • startingRound: The starting round of the phase
  • endingRound: The ending round of the phase


Get the previous roundId for the given roundId. The roundIds may not be contiguous

function getPreviousRoundId(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (uint80 previousRoundId);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The roundId

Return values

  • previousRoundId: The previous roundId for the given roundId


Get the next roundId for the given roundId. The roundIds may not be contiguous

function getNextRoundId(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (uint80 nextRoundId);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address
  • roundId: The roundId

Return values

  • nextRoundId: The next roundId for the given roundId


Get the current phaseId for the given pair

function getCurrentPhaseId(address base, address quote) external view returns (uint16 currentPhaseId);


  • base: The base asset address
  • quote The quote asset address

Return values

  • currentPhaseId: The current phaseId for the given pair